Just days after the 74th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the night the Nazis orchestrated the destruction of thousands of Jewish businesses and homes, the National Front celebrated another inglorious anniversary. Today marked the 45 year that the NF has marched past the cenotaph defiling the memory of the brave men and women who died fighting for Britain; many in a war against fascism. The march has been the highlight of the NF calendar for decades as each year racial nationalists and British Nazis come together, drape themselves in Union Jacks and attempt to misappropriate Remembrance Sunday for their own ends.
Numbering just 150 the NF met at 2:00pm at Victoria Station and marched down Victoria street and amassed in front of the Cenotaph. Joined by a group of sinister Polish nationalists, ex-BNP members and EDL supporters were a contingent from the violent and Nazi Racial Volunteer Force. The parade shocked and appalled passers by and tourists as the dismal drummers and worse bugler crudely mimicked the proud military bands that marched past the Cenotaph only hours before. As the rag tag bunch of racists, Nazis and Holocaust deniers passed in front of Westminster Abbey a line of British and Norwegian veterans demonstrably turned their backs on the march to show their contempt, only to be met by a barrage of abuse by the passing NF. When asked what prompted their actions the Norwegian soldiers disdainfully replied, “We know only too well their type in Norway.”
Among the flags, banners and badges was a particularly wretched wreath emblazoned with the word “Unity”. Anyone who understands the history of this march will recall the infamous “No Brothers Wars” banner designed to condemn the fight against fascism in the Second World War. Despite the subtlety of the message most onlookers were left in little doubt who today’s wreath was calling for unity with. Ordinarily, placing a wreath calling for unity with Nazis amongst the many legitimate wreaths at the foot of the Cenotaph would be the most offensive part of the day. However today, elements at the back of the march let off red flares, more suited to a football game than Remembrance Sunday, leading to an undignified and highly disrespectful scuffle.
Despite being the 45th anniversary of this despicable event the NF will have little to celebrate tonight; facing distain, ridicule and anger from the public and ex-service personnel. Today’s meagre showing seems to suggest that the NF are failing to attract the litany of disgruntled nationalists that have recently abandoned the ranks of the BNP and the EDL. However the NF might like to dress today’s march up it marks nothing more than 45th year of disrupting the dignity and solemnity of Remembrance Sunday.