Watmough: A Nazi that sells poppies
We’ve written quite a bit of late about Kevin Watmough, the vulgar Yorkshire Nazi who makes a living selling badges and old Nazi newspapers.
Kevin never misses an opportunity to make a few quid out of his fellow Nazis, so it is no surprise to see Kevin has teamed up with the National Front’s burglar Simon Biggs in the breakaway Northern Patriotic Front. Neither are particular fans of an honest day’s graft.
This year, Watmough has been making a few quid by selling pin badges with the poppy on. There’s big money to be made in the British far-right by cashing in on people remembering British and Commonwealth men and women who have died in service. In particular, the poppy is often associated with the sacrifices made in the defeat of Nazism last century.
Watmough has himself come under criticism from the left and the far-right for his selling badges with the poppy on. In a posting he made on a social network site he responds to criticism that he is ripping off the British legion who run the genuine poppy appeal. Watmough claims (without proof) that Burnley NF gave some of his badges away at the Burnley British Legion club and that the British Legion ended up with 80p from every one of the 67 badges he then sold on Ebay.
Just to clarify, it was Ebay who deducted that money and does so to stop people like Watmough ripping the Legion (and old soldiers) off.
He even admits to paying import tax, whatever happened to buying British made products?
But there is further reason to draw attention to Watmough and his parasitical activities; Watmough makes more money selling badges glorifying the murderous Nazi regime. He does not give a toss about those brave men and women, black, white and Asian who fought the Nazis. He hates them and besmirches their memory every day.
Earlier this month, Watmough was at the Cenotaph in London for the regular NF shuffle of shame. Watmough defiled the Cenotaph because he was only there to make money out of the memories of the very people who are remembered there. Though he bowed his head, it was not in remembrance. But it was neither, sadly, in shame.
This reprobate, thug, coward and bully is a national disgrace who defiles the memory of people who fought Nazism.
Isn’t it time the British Legion not just get their cut out of his sales, but actually campaigned to ban thugs like him from Britain’s most famous war memorial on Remembrance Sunday?
And perhaps the tax man and social services should also take a closer look at his activities too.
Nazi: Kevin’s other badges for sale