Paul Pitt & Mark Dunbar
Is this the beginning of the end for the Essex EDL division ?
All is not well in what was one of the EDL’s most active areas with the division appearing to fracture in a three way split along political lines.
On one side of the barricades is the Essex regional organiser, Paul Pitt aka Paul Prodromou. Pitt has recently linked up with the controversial former BNP fundraiser Jim Dowson and his political party “Britain First”. Dowson hopes to launch his own street movement called the “St George’s Brigade” with Pitt possibly playing a leading role.
On the other side of the fence is Mark Dunbar, Witham organiser for British Freedom and longstanding EDL activist.
There has been a long running feud between Dunbar and Pitt following the promotion of Pitt to the position of Eastern regional organiser.Dunbar has accused Pitt of having a massive ego (Probably a fair comment) following the creation of an EDL banner with Paul Pitts face and name emblazoned on it.
The conflict intensified following the recent EDL demo in Norwich. Dunbar criticized Pitt after large numbers of Essex and Kent EDL failed to attend the demo despite Pitt being the regional organiser for the area. Threats were exchanged between the two with Pitt telling Dunbar “I know where you live”.
Dunbar, who is close to the highly influential East Anglian Division led by Anthony Bamford is now promising to walk away from the EDL following the incident, which will see a number of EDL activists possibly follow him after constant reports of Pitts bullying manner and narcissism.
With the feud getting out of hand, a number of Essex EDL activists have recently aligned themselves to the National Front, despite the EDL leadership’s contempt for the veteran fascist party.
EDL stalwarts Diane and Eddie Scrimshaw took part in the NF’s march to the Cenotaph on Remembrance Sunday. Joining them was EDL activist Al Francis and the Essex based EDL tattooist Andy InkTattoo along with several other EDL members.
With some Essex EDL members also flirting with the BNP in the area it appears the division could potentially tear itself apart in the near future.