Griffin: waiting to receive your cash NOW!
Not a great deal happening in the far-right this early in the year, but I was struck by one tweet from Nick Griffin over New Year about “8 New Year’s resolutions” that I thought I should have a look at in greater detail.
Not for Nasty Nick being kind to animals, gay people or the Irish, or indeed laying off the chicken korma in 2013. It seems that the racist pig farmer wants 2013 to be pretty much the same as every other year he has run the BNP: with you sending his party your money.
No less than seven of Griffin’s suggested (for you) New Year’s resolutions involve sending the BNP your money and the other one (number seven) suggests sending them someone else’s money!
Nick’s nasty list is called “Doing something very special”:
1) ‘Reaffirming your loyalty’: If watching the BNP getting hammered in 2012 didn’t put you off, nothing will. Send them your cash and they’ll do it again in 2013. It’s one of those rare promises this politician will keep.
2) ‘Join The British Resistance’: If watching the BNP getting hammered in 2012 didn’t put you off joining, then why didn’t you join? Send them your money.
3) ‘Set Up A Direct Debit’: Don’t send the BNP your money you lazy racist, get the bloody banks to take it out of your account for you. Plus, if you get downhearted watching the BNP getting hammered in 2013, it can be a real pain in the behind to cancel it. If you’re a lazy racist, obviously.
4) ‘Subscribe to ‘Voice of Freedom’: If the Daily Mail is unavailable, why not get the BNP’s monthly newspaper instead? Sadly, it only comes out about four times in a year, but a month is a long time in politics.
5) ‘Trafalgar Club’: If you own a tie, and you’re not due in court on the day, join Nick Griffin’s special fan club where he and his wife Jackie will sit at your dinner table for a few minutes to try and persuade you to hand over some of your lucre. You’ll feel special, as it is a “secret” group of Griffin fans that those rotters at Hope Not Hate exposed last year, costing Nick some of his wealthier admirers.
6) ‘Donate Today’: And there’ll be free beer tomorrow, probably. Send them your cash. Today. Yesterday would have been a waste of time, but do it today. And tomorrow, obviously. In fact, send them all your money and get a second job while you’re at it. History dictates that you won’t regret it. Much.
7) ‘Sign Up A Friend’: If you’re already a BNP member, you may be surprised to still have any friends. Why not sign one of them up? Go on, who needs friends like you anyway? “Just imagine” writes Griffin, “we could double our membership”. He’s not wrong, 1+1 does add up to two. If you do not have a friend, just make one up. In fact, make up lots of friends and get them to join the BNP. Not your black friends, obviously.
8) ‘Get Active’: Activism is actually free. Any racist idiot can pick up a brick or an old pot of paint. Hate is free with the BNP. Of course, if you really want to get active in the BNP, it suggests you buy some of their leaflets: “Just doing your bit is enough to give you the satisfaction that you are helping the cause”.
And hey, if you’ve signed up the silly sausage as suggested at number 7, Nick suggests that you “simply deliver leaflets to your neighbours”. It’s £2 for fifty leaflets, but a housebrick followed by some racist abuse is also another way many BNP members like to introduce themselves to their neighbours.