Lennon to play tag?

Matthew Collins - 07 01 13
Happy: Gower becomes all maternal when her "Tommy" gets mentioned

Happy: Gower becomes all maternal when her "Tommy" gets mentioned

EDL leader Stephen Lennon is apparently very happy to have only received ten months in prison for passport fraud earlier today.

According to his personal assistant Hel Gower, “we are one step nearer to having him back with us.”

Wow. I’ll tell the dog he is vacating his kennel sooner than expected.

Lennon is hopeful of being released on “tag” because of his good behaviour while on remand, where he was locked up with other prisoners who do not fair too well among the general prison populace

However, given his long list of previous convictions and the fact that he has no problem travelling on false documents, I’d suggest he’d be very lucky indeed to be allowed out on a tag. In his favour is, I suppose, the fact that he was not charged as an adherent or alleged adherent of a fanatical Islamist group.

Lennon only travelled to the United States on a false passport as the leader of a violent, supposed Christian group.

Already, what is left of the EDL are torn between outrage and delight at the outcome, probably none more so than Gower who, in Lennon’s absence, has tried her best to hold the EDL together in the face of a mountain of abuse from disgruntled former EDL supporters and factional rivals.


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