Griffin: Vile
Once more the Oxford Union excels itself, this time by inviting Nick Griffin to debate gay rights.
Despite their assumed privilige, will the Union never learn?
Griffin’s been invited to speak this Thursday on the motion “This House Would be Glad to Have Gay Parents”.
Griffin, of course, does not like gay people, but there seems to be a complete shortage of other homophobes readily available to Oxford this year to speak against the motion.
Griffin’s recent record on gay people and gay rights speaks for itself. Never mind how his party, the BNP, poisoned the mind of London nail bomber David Copeland to the extent that he went out and killed gay people.
The ongoing hatred of gay people is still a encouraged in the BNP today. So what is the point of inviting Griffin (again)?
Let’s stop this vile racist poisoning the minds of more young people and say NO to Griffin spreading his vile hatred.
Invite: Inviting the fox into the chicken coup