Another EDL gang sentenced

Matthew Collins - 15 01 13


Five EDL members have been sentenced this morning for between fourteen and four months to prison.

The gang, from leeds and Bradford are: David Lawler, Kevin Angelo Docherty, Mark Peel, Robert Adrian Collington, Steven Philip Woodhead.

We covered their arrests last year here.  Stephen Woodhead and the Bradford EDL organiser Kevin Docherty  appeared at Leeds Crown Court and both admitted violent offences dating back to March when the EDL held a small flash demonstration in the town of Cleckheaton.

 After the demo a number of the protesters headed to the nearby towns of Dewsbury and Heckmondwike where violence and disorder soon broke out.

Docherty pleaded guilty to racially aggravated criminal damage and violent disorder after two Asian men were chased through Dewsbury. Docherty had previously tried to attack Bradford MP George Galloway.

 Woodhead pleaded guilty to racially aggravated common assault.

 (with thanks to EDL News for the head’s up/reminder!)

Peel: Sentenced

Peel: Sentenced


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