has taken a rare break from trying to destroy the peace process in Northern Ireland to launch another political street movement in England.
Called ‘English National Resistance’ the group is a combined gang of the thugs from the South East Alliance, led by former EDL regional organiser Paul Pitt, Dowson’s own Britain First and the English Democratic Party. The group’s logo has Dowson’s own Britain First logo in its centre.
Not content with already pulling the strings behind Britain First, declaring war on the British Freedom Party, trying to mimick as well as destroy the BNP, Dowson also raises cash for the English Democrats.
The group first met in January to thrash out plans to unite and operate under a system of a combined and cooperative organisation with “governing council”. Yes, it does sound rather like the Orange order..
We’ve been aware that this link-up was coming for some time, but it appears Dowson has jumped the gun a little after it emerged that the BNP was also trying to woo the South East Alliance, which will supply the foot-soldiers to this dubious coalition. Dowson has acted swiftly after he received feedback that the SEA were unimpressed with the Irish Republican sympathies of Steve Uncles, a lead member of the English Dems who met with the SEA at the January meeting.
Using Britain First’s nominal leader Paul Golding as a cover for a long rant against constitutional politics, Dowson writes in an email to his members and thousands of former and current BNP and EDL members: “The political / elections route has always been the main focus for patriotic politics, but in recent years the emphasis has shifted away from elections towards militancy, campaigning and direct action… [his emphasis]
“The ‘English National Resistance’(new logo crest pictured above right) will confront, demonstrate and protest nationwide against the politically correct enemies of our country.
An infrastructure is being put in place behind the scenes as you read this, more good news and announcements will be made soon.”
It’s no surprise to see the likes of Dowson, Golding and the limited number of Britain First linking up with thugs like the South East Alliance, but for the English Dems, as we have always warned they were, this puts them firmly into bed with fascists and Nazis.