More BNP Amnesia ?

Matthew Collins - 19 02 13
Nick Griffin welcomes back Stuart Freeman

Nick Griffin welcomes back Stuart Freeman

Last week I wrote about Chris Hurst, the BNP’s London regional secretary and his reappearance at a Croydon BNP meeting despite the fact he was expelled from the BNP following a three day exposure by The Sun newspaper.

I wondered if the BNP had developed a touch of amnesia?

Well it seems to be spreading like wildfire throughout the BNP and appears to have infected the BNP leader Nick Griffin.

Last week, Griffin wrote on his Twitter account.

Happy to tell you that Stuart Freeman & other Essex stalwarts have left collapsing EDs & rejoined BNP. Welcome back! More to come.”

Griffin, who was obviously delighted by a few more membership fees rattling his piggy bank also included a photo of himself shaking hands with the one time Southend BNP organiser.

What he fails to mention is that Stuart Freeman was expelled from the BNP in 2011 following a number of threats made by him towards the then Eastern regional organiser Geoff Strobridge.

Freeman, rejected by the BNP went off in a huff and linked up with his friend Eddy Butler in the English Democrats.

The BNP appear to be in a forgiving mood, I wonder how long that will last ?



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