Flop:Michael Walters.
The English Democrats are on the rack. Robin Tilbrook, leader of the party won’t admit this fact but the evidence is clear to see.
I wrote a couple of weeks ago how the Southend branch of the English Democrats, led by Stuart Freeman have defected to the BNP, despite the fact they originally left the BNP for the English Democrats in the first place.
Then I wrote about Steve Uncles, who just can’t help make himself and the party look idiotic. This appears to happen whenever the feckless Uncles opens his stupid mouth. This became apparent when Steve Uncles had his personal website removed by the hosting company as it violated their terms of service.
Last night, the English Democrats reached an all time low, being humiliated in not one but two by elections.
First up was the highly publicised Eastleigh parliamentary by-election caused by the resignation of the sitting Lib Dem MP Chris Huhne.
Tilbrook was convinced by Uncles to stand his close friend Michael Walters as their candidate, despite the fact he lives two hours away in Kent.
Aided by English Democrat celebrity couple Claudia Dalgliesh and the ex BNP elections guru Eddy Butler their campaign never passed the first hurdle, which clearly showed when the returning officer read out the results.
Walters finished in an embarrassing 12th place receiving just 70 votes which equates to a miniscule 0.17% of the vote.
He was even beaten by political heavyweights such as Ray Hall from the Beer, Baccy and Crumpet Party, Howling Laud Hope of the Official Monster Raving Loony Party and David Bishop of the Elvis Loves Pets Party….. Well done Michael Walters.
Not as well publicised but equally as embarrassing last night was the English Democrats performance in The Wirrall.
Neil Kenny was the English Democrat candidate fighting to win the vacancy in the Pensby Thingwall ward of Wirral Borough Council.
Kenny managed to finish in last place (6th of 6) with just 53 votes which is just 1.45% of the total vote cast. Still at least he did better than Michael Walters !
Another by-election Tilbrook won’t be shouting to loudly about is the Adeyfield West Ward for Dacorum Borough Council on the 21st of March.
The candidate here is a familiar face, Simon Deacon, one time parish councillor for the Nazi National Front and BNP. Good to see the English Democrats sticking with their fallacy of not fielding racist candidates.
Simon Deacon with Nazi saluting Stuart Hollingdale in their days in the NF