Over a month ago I broke the news that Paul Weston was considering a return to his own peculiar brand of politics.
Weston finally got round to making it official last week by registering Liberty GB as a political party. Since then, the eight remaining people in the British Freedom Party, the party he deserted, have been arguing whether the party that Weston dumped still exists.
Unlike others, we do not debate with fascists. But the answer is yes, it’s been dead for ages, you silly little boys.
Weston’s “Liberty” is just that. It reminds one of the Dennis Waterman character from the sketch show Little Britain. It appears Weston really has written the theme tune, sung the theme tune etc, etc for his new party. Still, it’s the same old hymn sheet as before. Muslims are bad. Really, really bad etc, etc.
To be honest, I doubt we’ll be crossing swords much with Weston in future. A political heavyweight he is not; but if he gets pissed and mugged again, I’m sure we’ll find the space to cover it.
Someone over at the BNP left a can of cider out during the week and it appears a whole host of them had a large swig of it. Jack Dandelion tackled the appalling subject of female genital mutilation with the usual BNP sensitivity. You know it is going to end badly when a teenager using an apparent nom de plume opens with “as far as I am aware….” when talking about the outrageous mutilation of a woman’s body.
From there it went even further downhill. Needless to say, Dandelion managed to say Muslims are bad, Muslims are evil and that Stalin himself has a grip on Westminster. Unsurprisingly, there was no sympathy or in fact, very little at all about the victims of genital mutilation because they are in the most part, Muslims and Stalin is to blame…
Another article on the BNP’s website referred to their London Organiser, Steve Squire, as “popular”! There was no name on the article, but that only proves that Squire is slightly more canny than young Kevin Layzell.
Over in Europe, it seems some BNP members come unstuck on Wednesday in their hired mini bus on their way over to visit Nick Griffin. While some may be happy that they are shaken but not hurt, spare a thought for poor Clive “Rodney” Jefferson, who upon hearing there had been an accident, by all accounts rifled through his filing cabinet to see if he could be of any assistance in doing some of that “sensitive but vital work” upon which the BNP so relies these days.
Of course, our man in Europe shall be making sure that those who are on this little junket are all accounted for properly and not being snuck onto the EU’s meal ticket as Mr Griffin’s constituents.
With the Mayoral elections in Doncaster approaching, the BNP’s other worry is that still the party has no candidate selected. By all accounts the lack of candidate has got those up at the BNP’s offices in Wigton finally uniting, if only to stick the knife in the back of the hapless Alwyn Deacon.
No such problem in finding candidates for the British Democratic Party (BDP), English Democrats and UKip however. Although Griffin claims he is not bothered by the supposed threat of either the BDP or the ED, he’s been dusting off his dirty tricks department with regard to the UKip threat.
And finally, hood-wearing hero Darren Clift has complained about our article about him. Diddums.