Far-right round up

Matthew Collins - 21 03 13
Adam Walker: Preferred by the BNP to Marlene!

Adam Walker: Preferred by the BNP to Marlene!

It’s a big week for begging emails. The English Dems kicked it off by telling me it was my duty as an Englishman to give them ten of my English pounds. They’d actually do a lot better if they charged people leaving the party a tenner a time.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Chair of the ED in Eastleigh could cope no longer with the humiliation of the party in the recent By-election there, and he’s joined UKip. It appears the ED have a three way leak with other members heading back to the BNP or into the recently formed British Democratic Party (BDP). So let’s see what the ED do about this delightful chap.

These must be exciting times for the BDP. Their President, Andrew Brons MEP, recently told an interviewer that he had been attacked by Hope Not Hate supporters brandishing spears and arrow heads… I know Brons is old, but…. Keeping up the aged theme he also lamented the average age of the party membership is probably not conducive to mass political campaigning. It’s nice to know he reads my column..

The BDP recently gave column space to “veteran nationalist” Richard Edmonds. “Veteran nationalist” is code for “old Nazi” in the world of far-right politics, and Edmonds is nothing if not old and Nazi.

Despite being in the supposedly rival National Front, it’s no secret that Edmonds and co are seriously considering jumping that sinking ship for the BDP. To endure a swift and bloodless departure from the NF, they have some sausage rolls and tinned pineapple chunks laid on for a discussion later this month.

Richard’s article is about racism. As far as I recall from the years I spent in his company, writing is not Richard’s forte. Richard’s strength has always been his ability to stand for hours ranting about blacks, Asians and Jews. During the 1980’s he was temporarily put in charge of editing the Nazi magazine Spearhead when its Editor, John Tyndall, was sent to prison for of all things, inciting racial hatred through his writings.

Edmonds had to wait until 1993 before he could be sentenced for racism. He was arrested at that time, standing on a street corner ranting and raving, when a black man had a glass thrust into his face.

The crux of Richard’s article is to refute that racism is bad when it is levelled against people of his political ilk. He then names a series of white people who have been the victims of hate crime, including racism. “Who remembers..” asks Richard, reeling out the names of the victims he says that no white person should forget. Except, Richard, ‘Chris Donal’ from said list is according to my research, a stamp collector from Detroit, who is very much alive.

Is it any wonder that the poor family and parents of Kriss Donald describe the far-right constantly trying to profit on their son’s death as an “insult”?

No, of course not.

Far-right insults come in many guises. Here is an excellent recent radio interview with the BNP’s Marlene Guest, who still seems to struggle with the concept of not only her party’s racism, but also, still, the Holocaust.

Marlene has been insulted herself more than most of late. The rest of the BNP ignored her Rotherham demonstration last weekend to the point where even Marlene probably wishes she did not turn up to it too. Marlene’s still smarting after being overlooked for the job as the BNP’s number one candidate for the Yorkshire and Humberside region at next year’s Euro elections.

Not wishing to fuel any particular fire, or promote fascism, I have decided not to link to a particular BNPTV video where the proposed number one candidate, Adam Walker, from the North East, interviews former Barnsley By-election candidate Enis Dalton and the two concur that the BNP’s real strength in the election is having a local candidate…

But my one tip for Marlene is to use dial 141 before dialling party officials for one of her infamous “chats”.

What with their leader Jim Dowson unable to use either the telephone or the internet after a Belfast court issued strict bail conditions, his mini-me Paul Golding has really grown into the role, if not the suit, that comes with fronting Dowson’s English National Resistance.

With Dowson obviously not available to monitor Golding’s activities, Golding took the opportunity to borrow some (short) jeans and join his fellow Aryan warrior Paul Prodromou in harassing an Imam in Crayford, Kent.

Readers may recall Prodromou as the angry “local” of Gooshays infamy. Golding and Prodromou were at the Mosque in Crayford, by all accounts, to “defend” the rights of women. Dowson would be proud, he often stands outside of family planning clinics abusing women in defence of their “rights” too.

And, finally. David Jones. A challenging individual with electoral ambitions that we have mentioned before, has come up with a winner for this year’s elections. He wants to drug, abuse and bribe the electorate!

Insult: The far-right continue to insult the dead

Insult: The far-right continue to insult the dead


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