Just as UKip members were excitedly slapping each other on their collective backs in excitement about their future electoral prospects, the EDL’s Stephen Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, comes out and says that he supports them.
Were UKip a submarine, you’d probably hear their leader Nigel Farage, barking “dive! dive! dive!”
In an interview with Lennon, the influential blogsite ‘Backbencher’ has written how Lennon has told them that he believed that his gang “shared a platform with UKIP on immigration and on Islam.”
Lennon’s very well qualified to discuss immigration. He’s still on a tag having only just been released from prison for immigration offences of his own.
According to Lennon, UKip is “saying exactly what we say, just in a different way – do you know what I mean?”
Well, if he is referring to how the EDL normally represent themselves, a quick glance here should put some perspective into that claim.
Unlike the BNP’s Nick Griffin, UKip leader Nigel Farage will probably not welcome the support of the criminal leader of drunken thugs that is and are Stephen Lennon and the EDL. Interestingly, Lennon does not appear to be such a fan of Farage as he is Lord Pearson, the party’s former leader.
Apparently, Farage doesn’t rant about Muslims enough for Lennon.
Lennon has also called upon the BNP, National Front, British Democratic Party and English Democrats to “stand aside” and allow UKip to capitalise on anti-immigration sentiment. That certainly appears to be happening with the BNP. Rumour is they cannot even raise a candidate for the Doncaster Mayoral election.
The last party that Lennon backed, the British Freedom Party, gave up the ghost just before last Christmas.
Accordingly, UKip are themselves not very happy to have a thug and criminal of Lennon’s calibre backing them. Backbencher writes that “The feeling is clearly not mutual,” but then goes on to claim that the EDL is itself a political party.
Just a reminder folks. It is not. it is a criminal gang. And Stephen Lennon is not the Messiah, either.
He’s a criminal thug, and UKip had better beware.
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…