Racist thug Gil Gould has laid his cards on the table and declared his support for UKIP.
Gould, the pint sized loudmouth from the floundering EDL has been quiet over the past few months due to a very public fallout with Paul Pitt and his ragtag South East Alliance.
The Essex based bigot received a numbers of threats of violence from members of the SEA, who declared that Gould had picked the wrong side in the dispute.
Gould, who attended an EDL meeting in Ipswich over the weekend said of UKIP ” Gotta be done, drop all the others, this lot could actualy have a say at the next election, they could have last time if you had all listened.”
I’m not sure what UKIP will make of Gould’s support for their party, I would be fairly certain that they would be fairly uncomfortable with his EDL links and his love of collecting Nazi memorabilia.
Gould uses the Facebook name Mick Wittman after his hero Michael Wittman, a German Waffen-SS tank commander responsible for the deaths of large numbers of allied soldiers in World War 2.