When the far-right gets angry, it turns up unannounced at a particular place to cause misery and mayhem. They call their surprise arrival, a “flash demonstration”, often so that local pub landlords cannot barricade their pub’s door in time to keep the racist trash out in advance of their arrival.
Usually, it’s a small town that’s left defenceless and unprepared against their moronic and racist beer swilling.
Thankfully for the people in South Shields, their local cretin-corps is under the command of John Riley, from Sunderland. Riley leads the EDL’s splinter the English Volunteer Force (EVF) in the region.
Riley was recently told to “do one” by the EDL so has been busily preparing a “flash” demonstration of his own to prove he and his band of “Volunteers” are a force to be reckoned with.
He’s also done a nice little flyer to promote his “surprise” demonstration.
So, remember to look surprised when Riley turns up outside a pub in South Shields with his gang of drunken morons shouting racist abuse at ordinary members of the public.
John, you’re a real trooper. They don’t call you “flash” for nothing. In fact, not at all…