Salma Yaqoob, the former leader of the Respect Party and current spokesperson for Birmingham Central Mosque, was a guest on last night’s Question Time.
Salma was quite happy with how the appearance went, apart from a threat from somebody to cut her throat.
The threat was one of a series of quite disturbing threats made against Salma and the Muslim community eminating from a character (unsurprisingly) linked to the EDL and its satellite groups.
The threat to cut Salma’s throat was made by one Steve Littejohn, believed to be from the Merseyside area. Littlejohn also wrote that he would “quite happily walk into a Brum [Birmingham] mosque and plant a nail bomb”.
One would think that the police would be quite keen to talk someone making those sort of threats against Salma and the Muslim community in general.
That being the case, perhaps they might recognise the person identified by our colleagues at EDL News as the person believed to be using the name Steve Littlejohn to post threats like those shown with this story against Salma and other Muslims.
Let’s see if the police can find and either charge this “Steve Littlejohn” or eliminate him from their investigation quicker than the EDL can attempt to disown him or deny all knowledge of him.
Update: This matter is now in the hands of the police so we have obscured certain details