Fascists gear up for Burnley this Saturday

Matthew Collins - 18 06 13
Shane Calvert: Fashion icon and leader of the Infidels

Shane Calvert: Fashion icon and leader of the Infidels

The “North West Front Line Firm” are heading to Burnley this Saturday to, in their words, “stop the Islamification of Britain.”

What with the recent re-emergence of the EDL and in particular it’s leader Stephen Lennon, the various satellite groups that sprung from the EDL when it was in free-fall are now, themselves, fighting for survival.

Expect to see the same old faces as you always do, drunken thugs, who will stand for hours in and outsidde of a pub shouting and chanting racist abuse and then fighting among themselves afterwards.

Now in its fourth year, the counter-Jihad street movement has achieved absolutely none of its original aims, but a couple of individuals have put a few quid in their pockets’ at least. In the main, that seems to be what lies behind most of these groups anyway; the sale of second-rate merchandise and a grubby understanding of hedonism.

The same group behind this demonstration are the same people that went to Ashton Under Lyne last weekend, where four of their supporters were arrested. It could have been more, perhaps it should have been.

The North East Infidels have pledged their support along with Casuals United and other, tiny groups of fascists to the demonstration.

The North West Infidels, one of the more active groups on the extreme right are the main driving force behind this demonstration. Six of their number are currently on bail while another half a dozen were raided by the police in the wake of the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby.

Ashton- Under- Lyne last Saturday

Ashton- Under- Lyne last Saturday


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