Burnley-a far-right wash out

Matthew Collins - 22 06 13
Burnley: It rained

Burnley: It rained

144 people joined the “North West Front Line Firm” today for a march and rally in Burnley.

A huge police presence was wasted on a drab turn out that was marched around the outskirts of town in the poring rain to listen to speeches from people bussed in from as far away as Essex.

The “NWFFF” is a coalition of people who are no longer in or welcome in the EDL anymore.

The only interesting thing to happen all day was someone spotting Mark Cotterill at the demo site. Cotterill used to be the BNP’s fundraiuser in the United States, a well-to-do fascist who was even married for a while to the daughter of David Duke, Nick Griffin’s favourite Klansman.

Cotterill, now living in Preston, was selling pin badges for £2 each.


The gang are now heading to Blackburn for a party in the Adelphi. Expect that to be a ball of fun.



Marching: On a road to nowhere

Marching: On a road to nowhere


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