Far-right round up

Matthew Collins - 05 07 13
Intellectuals: Griffin on his members..

Intellectuals: Griffin on his members..

At the BNP’s disastrous summer school on the weekend, where he was once more exposed to his diminishing supporter base, Nick Griffin spoke for fifty minutes to the assembled zombies about how great the party is doing.

According to Griffin, people like us, normal people, would be “sat with their mouths open at the level of discussion we had..”

Yes, because sometimes even we really cannot believe how gullible some BNP members really are. Oh, and probably the police would be interested in some of the conversations that were had there too. But more about that at a later date..

Those who could be bothered to pay £15 to camp in the Fuhrer’s garden were described by Griffin as “people that can hold their own in any intellectual company in the entire world.” Really, Nick? The rumours coming out from the little shindig in that marquee purchased with EU money and used only as far as we can tell previously, to renew your marriage vows, is that few of them could even hold their beer-let alone an intelligent conversation.

Later, Griffin compared the fortunes of his party, or I suppose his “revolutionary potential… for power”, to that of Lenin and Hitler. According to Griffin, in January 1917 before Lenin went on to lead the Russian revolution, he told a student in Zurich that he didn’t think there would ever be a revolution in Russiain his lifetime. Only that student, and now Nick Griffin, appear to believe that Lenin found himself on a sealed train by some miracle a month later.

But of course, it is Hitler that the BNP really need to learn from. Hitler was on 2.6% in his bad old early days, having dropped from a high of 6.4% some years before. And (like the BNP), they (the NSDAP) were written off. And people, said Griffin, “ridiculed that funny little man”.

So, we’d better not ridicule Nick Griffin anymore. Except for this. Just who in the BNP has six fingers?

The National Front is in the middle of another massive bout of infighting, so welcome back Edmond Morrison, a veteran Nazi with a taste for splitting political parties, self promotion and cheap cider. The party has currently announced a new acting Chairman. Stepping up to the role is Rossendale racist Kev Bryan. Now that he is Chairman, Kev has asked to be called Kevin. The sacrifices one must make, eh?

Last week in Billericay East their candidate Thomas Beaney managed to get just 3 votes !

All the cheap cider and all the cheap suits in the world still could not help the NF last night in Wales.

But perhaps someone should help journalist David Powell from the Welsh Daily Post. According to him, up to 1500 people are expected to attend a rally by the “North West Alliance” in Llandudno. Really? Mix Welsh Nazis with the organisers’ of this supposed mass rally, and these are two previous events that spring to mind.

Over in the EDL, it looks like Stephen Lennon is going to a debate  at Oxford. Is there some sort of plan underway to admit more oiks to the University? Perhaps once said oik’s friends have smashed the place up they’ll seriously consider having a rethink of their annual plot to get Nazis onto campus. Or maybe not. When will they ever learn?

On Monday night, Lennon is apparently hosting a meeting of concerned Mothers in Blackburn! Readers may recall that Lennon’s assault of an off- duty police officer stems from a domestic dispute he was having with the mother of his own children. So yes mothers of Blackburn, be very concerned.

NF: How to win votes and influence people

NF: How to win votes and influence people


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