Llama harmer forms new alliance

Matthew Collins - 28 07 13
Snowy: He'll no doubt try and flog these to the UDA very soon

Snowy: He’ll no doubt try and flog these to the UDA very soon

What with it being a miserable Sunday afternoon after the fantastic highs of yesterday, I decided we should start a weekly check up on our old friends. Today it’s the turn of John Snowy Shaw, who feigned his own emigration to Canada last year after he was exposed as an animal abuser to go with his other dubious “talents”.

Snowy’s been absent from the “Infidels” for a good few months, which will upset him, as there does seem to be have been no end of other people willing to step into his shoes.

The word on the street is that “Snowy” has found himself a new gang of violent thugs to hang around with.

Whether he is still on the same retainer he was when he spied on Loyalist gangs in Northern Ireland is hard to say, but he has definitely found himself a home with the dark side now.


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