Steve Uncles: Patriotism is a serious business
A bit of a surprise for some people this morning who have signed up to the “Causes” email network.
Among the usual good causes like save a hospital, end violence against women and Punish the Bankers, this morning came a message from the English Democratic Party (English Dems).
Never mind the bedroom tax, huge unemployment and fare increases on public transport (again), Robin Tilbrook, leader of the tiny party wants everyone to “Keep the Cross of St George flying over ENGLAND” according to the unsolicited email people received.
So there you have it. No matter what life throws at you, no matter how unjust things may seem, the most important thing to make sure is that there is plenty of cloth flying over the country. There is actually no plan to take the flag away or stop it from flying over the country, but these are desperate times for the English Dems.
This year has seen the party shrink in size and electoral popularity, unsurprisingly now that they have openly linked up with Nazis. Cash has been a major problem since their Scottish fundraiser ran into legal troubles. Their twitter feed could be mistaken for an actual parody, except the parody would actually have more followers.
In desperate times for the English Dems in attempts to appeal to the growing tide of English identity, the EDs have tried to compare themselves as simply the English version of parties like Plaid Cymru or Scottish National Party (SNP). Or, perhaps, even Sinn Fein, a party the English Dems once offered to sell Northern Ireland to.
This morning’s email was presumably planned for the mass outbreak of English pride on the day of the England versus Scotland football match.
But although there are some 20,000 tartan clad Scotsmen queuing for one toilet at Trafalgar Square, most English seem less than bothered with either the football, or the flying of a flag.
Still, that has not stopped the English Democrat’s Steve Uncles displaying the sort of behaviour that we’ve come to expect from a party of clowns and closet racists.
Perhaps Kipling had the English Dems in mind when he wrote “And what should they know of England who only England know?”
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