Far-right round up

Matthew Collins - 21 09 13
Returning: Crack farmer and animal abuser

Returning: Crack farmer and animal abuser

Well, that was the week that was. I discovered that I had something in common with Nigel Farage; Lefty teachers. We both acted like fascists to wind them up when we are at school. The difference is, I attended an ILEA school with apparent ambitions to twin with Kim il-Sung University, whilst Farage went to Dulwich College which allows the odd poor kid in. Despite being odd, Farage has never been poor.

The whole thing was bubbling along nicely until up stepped Godfrey Bloom. Still, all publicity is good publicity normally, but Ukip would do well to learn from the BNP over stunts like this..

The BNP proudly claimed that their leader Nick Griffin was spending last week with “like-minded” people in Milan, at a fascist rally. Despite some claiming there was going to be some 2000 people attending, HNH was more on the ball with updates that like everything Griffin touches these days, it was actually a complete disaster. The man must be beginning to think he really is cursed.

Things in the BNP really are awful at the moment. A number of senior members have gone AWOL, and the “active” membership figure the party now rely upon for support, or who are actively “engaged” with the party, is now fewer than a thousand. By all accounts, we can also add Patrick Harrington to the list of people missing in their inaction. Rumour is that his marriage and subsequent financial problems are in no small way related to legal fees resulting from his estranged wife’s disastrous legal tussle with former BNP MEP, Andrew Brons.

To avoid a growing number of former friends and supporters, Griffin has decided to (as well as Milan) spend his time in Syria glamping with the murderous regime of President Assad. According to the BNP, in another one of their ludicrous begging letters to their remaining desperados, the Daily Express has been describing Griffin as some kind of hero. Although there’s not enough room on the front page to squeeze Princess Diana off the front page (even the murder of Lee Rigby could not do that entirely,) according to the BNP, the newspaper has described Griffin as “the ONLY politician with the balls to speak up for Britain..” Yes, of course, it was the comments section of the Express-awash with the BNP head office staff’s comments, as opposed to Editorial content. But “borrowing” said balls from Patrick Harrington was cruel, even for Nick Griffin.

The BNP’s conference in Blackpool next weekend will be a complete washout. And that comes from within the BNP. Recent disastrous turn-outs at must attend BNP events such as their London rally and then their “Nationalist weekend” in Wales, is proof enough.

The BNP is now crying foul that as well as their own members, neither does the BBC want to attend their conference! It’s not a conspiracy by the BBC, but good accounting in these troubled times. Oh yes, and the fact that the BNP has a habit of roughing up journalists that attend their events and ask probing questions. Rather bizarrely (or not), the BNP claim that their annual conference is being held “due to popular demand”. So, never mind the party constitution, if Griffin wants to cook a hog roast and try and squeeze a few extra quid from the members foolish enough to turn up-that is a popular demand. Of course, for something that “sells out” so quickly, we sure are receiving a lot of reminders to buy tickets that are still available.

Talking of “popular”, John “Snowy” Shaw, the drugged up thug that murders animals on his family farm is due to make a rare appearance with his drugged up gang of thugs travelling to Blackburn today. What with the current leadership of the “Infidels” facing likely prison sentences in the near future, it’s no surprise that someone somewhere has decided to send “Snowy” back out into the wilderness. Lock up your pets. 

Down in Sheffield, the EDL are having a demonstration about a closed pub that is not becoming a Mosque. You couldn’t make it up.

Tip for when begging: Use a younger picture

Tip for when begging: Use a younger picture


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