“Buster”: Brighton based Nazi pervert and animal abuser
The National Front is a sick organisation. The current group running it seem to have nothing if not an illustrious background in spouse abuse, alcohol abuse, racist abuse, child abuse and animal abuse.
Peter “Sid” Williamson has spent the last few weeks banging on and on about how much he hates Jews. Nothing knew there, it’s what people like Pete and his moronic friends do to survive. Then there is the hatred of Muslims, described as “animals” by most of the far-right in this country. This is despite that fact it is widely rumoured that Williamson has a Turkish wife and he work’s in her family’s kebab house.
Now it turns out that one of Pete’s best friends and racial comrades has gone on the run for a variety of reasons best described by his best friend.
If you do see this fine “patriot” down Brighton way, call the police. History says their outraged racial comrades never do.
Outraged:But not enough to call the cops