Sunderland drug dealer threatens Muslim EDL member

Matthew Collins - 05 11 13
Abdul Rafiq: being arrested in Bradford last month

Abdul Rafiq: being arrested in Bradford last month

One of the strangest specimen’s on the far-right in Britain is Abdul Rafiq, a 43 year old Muslim man from Glasgow who not only hangs around with the neo-Nazis of the English Defence League (EDL), but has also been banned from Ibrox (home of Glasgow Rangers FC) for sectarian chanting.

Abdul’s never out of the news for his strange far-right views and friends and he even claims he cannot work because of his vile views and friends. In fact, he claims his life is in danger because of the fact he hangs around with people that would normally much prefer to punch his head in.

So important has Abdul become to the EDL, that their new leader Tim Ablitt, recently gave an interview saying that under his leadership, he would like the EDL to recruit more Muslims. One presumes they would also have to be self-hating collaborator’s life Abdul, and also be prepared to submit to abuse and ridicule like Abdul willingly does.

While Stephen Lennon was EDL leader, Abdul lived a charmed life. By all accounts Abdul would threaten people who questioned either his sincerity or his sanity, with a beating from the boss himself, Stephen Lennon.

Abdul’s been back in the papers this week after being arrested at the EDL’s first post-Lennon fiasco in Bradford last month.

A court heard Rafiq, of Glasgow, was arrested at an EDL rally in Bradford, on the afternoon of October 12.

Mike Vittis, prosecuting at Leeds Magistrates Court, said: “The defendant was seen talking to a group of Asian males about being British. He then started to swear and tried to pull a Union flag out of his bag.”

Rafiq was fined £110 after admitting the public order offence.

Up in Sunderland, one of Britain’s more notorious far-right thugs and drug dealers, the North East “Infidels” Warren Faulkner, has decided he has had enough of Abdul.

Now without Lennon to protect him, Abdul is being targeted by Faulkner, who spends his time not organising his fascist mates, trying to arrange fights between rival football fans.

Good luck, Abdul. You’ll need it.


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