Over a week ago I wrote about the BNP’s Karen Downes, the mother of missing schoolgirl Charlene Downes.
A week later, news broke that Karen and the estranged Aldwyn Bailey had been to court after a predicted altercation did take place.
Aldwyn appeared in court under his real name, Mark, and was portrayed as some kind of lunatic “besotted Kiwi” who, according to Downes, had by all accounts turned up unexpectedly on her doorstep.
“When he told me he was coming here I didn’t think he would follow it through, but he did and I was very surprised.
“He wanted me to forget about my family and control me but that was never going to happen because I have children” Downes told the Blackpool Gazette.
According to the Gazette, Gary McAnulty, defending Mr Bailey, said his client “considered himself to have been in a proper relationship with Mrs Downes and moved from New Zealand to allow it to flourish.”
The lawyer added: “It was slightly bizarre because Mrs Downes is married and lives with her husband.
Bailey pleaded guilty to assaulting Mrs Downes and was fined £75 and told to pay £20 victims surcharge, which is right and proper if he assaulted her, regardless of the circumstances.
However, it now appears that Mrs Downes may not have been entirely honest in her depiction of Mr Bailey.
No sooner had news of the court case broken, then well known far-right activist Jenna Hines, a former confidant of Downes until she (Hines) allegedly stopped lending her money, broke ranks, admitting that Bailey was made promises that Mrs Downes could or would not keep. These broken promises are of course, no excuse for Mr Bailey’s assault on Mrs Downes.
How Jenna Hines remembers the story
Since Hines broke ranks, we now have had an admission from Downes herself, that Bailey was perhaps a little bit more than just some love sick fool who turned up uninvited.
A fair cop? Downes acknowledges lying about Bailey
Surely this is just another police investigatioin that Mrs Downes should be helping with If she has commited perjury in building an unfair picture of Mr Bailey to the court?