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Matthew Collins - 03 01 14
Collett: No love lost for his former boss

Collett: No love lost for his former boss

Years ago, Mark Collett was Nick Griffin’s gold boy. They were prepared to go to prison together after the BBC exposed their vile beliefs.

Griffin told the media he was prepared to read War & Peace inside whilst Collett, we assumed, would get himself a few copies of the Beano.

Despite courting Griffin’s daughter, Collett was never very popular with the membership. He went from one tearful humiliation and disaster to another-the best being his run in with comedian Russell Brand.

Then it all went pear shaped. As Griffin ran the party into the ground during 2010, Collett was allegedly behind a plot to have his leader murdered!

Griffin and Collett in happier times, When Griffin had cash

Griffin and Collett in happier times, When Griffin had cash

Unsurprisingly, the BNP sacked Collett. He then took them to court and won an unfair dismissal claim. He currently makes a living desgining leaflets for the rival English Democratic Party.

So, Collett is leading the chorus of people once close to Griffin taking great delight in his demise tonight.

Collett: No love lost for his former boss

Collett: No love lost for his former boss


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