Victims of racist thug James Boyd told yesterday how they hope he is never free again after he admitted a 10-year campaign of horrific violence against five women.
James Boyd battered two of the women when they were heavily pregnant.
Another victim – who was just 14 – was left with terrible injuries when he stamped on her private parts in a bid to make her unable to have children.
Yesterday, the women said they hoped Boyd died in jail.
Siobhan Melrose, 26, said: “He put us all through hell and he deserves to die.
“We hope he takes his own life because he’ll never change. He will always be a danger to women and when he gets out of jail, he’ll do it again.”
Leigh Cameron, 24, who was pregnant when Boyd tried to strangle her and throw her down the stairs, added: “He is worse than an animal.
“They should lock him up and throw away the key. No woman is safe when he’s on the streets.
“The best result would be if he hanged himself. That would be justice.”
Boyd, who has a string of convictions for racist attacks, threatened his victims with knives, choked them, spat on them, and punched and kicked them.
The tattooed monster, of Whitburn, West Lothian, told one of his pregnant girlfriends: “You don’t deserve to have a child” as he knocked her to the ground and repeatedly kicked her in the stomach.
While he was battering the living daylights out of his victims, Boyd, a BNP and National Front activist, was also cheating on them with a string of other women.
The control freak put them through mental hell, too. He was consumed by jealousy and stopped the women from shaving in a bid to make them unattractive to other men. The thug’s first victim, a 15-year-old girl, was subjected to a year of violence in 2003. On one occasion, he held a knife against her neck and another against her stomach and threatened to kill her.
Leigh, left, and Siobhan say Boyd will never change
Siobhan, of Whitburn, was his most recent victim.
She endured three years of hell before she fled his clutches last year.
This week, Boyd, 28, appeared at the High Court in Glasgow and confessed to violence towards the five women.
He was finally brought to justice after the mum of a sixth victim, a 13-year-old girl, reported him to police.
Her daughter had been held hostage and beaten for three days.
Police traced the other women last year. The 13-year-old was so disturbed and terrified by her ordeal that she was unable to give evidence. She moved away and her case never got to court.
Three of the victims in court were distressed as details of Boyd’s brutality were read out.
Prosecutor Jo McDonald, said: “All the women comment that at the beginning of the relationship, the accused was caring.
“But he became more and more paranoid, jealous and controlling as the relationship continued and when drinking, he was violent and abusive.
“They all describe continuing assaults and abuse throughout their relationship with him.”
Boyd bleated to the judge that he battered the women to block out memories of his own violent childhood. He also blamed alcohol for his terrifying outbursts.
His lawyer Stuart Carson said: “Mr Boyd accepts that during these relationships he suffered from jealousy. He was paranoid
about these young women and he was controlling.
“He was drinking on an almost daily basis and says this was to block out memories that he had been abused as a child. He took out his anger on those around him.
“He says he is sorry for what he has done. He says he of all people should have known better about what he was doing because of the feelings he has about abuse.
“Violence was commonplace in his childhood.”
Boyd’s victims were disgusted by his excuses and insisted alcohol was not to blame.
Siobhan said: “He was a monster with or without drink. It’s disgusting that he is trying to make excuses for beating every woman he had a relationship with. There are no excuses for what he did.”
The judge Lord Turnbull ordered a background report to determine what risk Boyd poses to the public and deferred sentence until the end of the month.
He told the thug: “You have pled guilty to acts of violence which seem to me a course of conduct perpetrated over 10 years and involving almost every young woman with which you had a relationship.”
Yesterday, police described Boyd as “a predatory, callous and unremorseful individual”.
A spokesman said: “Boyd subjected his victims to years of physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse. He now faces significant time behind bars for his crimes.”