Filthy lucre

Matthew Collins - 12 01 14
£60: The price of hate

£60: The price of hate

Last week I mentioned in passing that the English Defence League (EDL) appear to be back up and peddling their merchandise.

The person fronting the merchandise is Dave Bolton, a man notorious for getting battered by angry EDL demonstrators on demonstrations, posing in the nude with an EDL balaclava over his head and having the word “Britian” (sic) tattooed on his neck.

As you can imagine, an illiterate punch bag is the perfect person to front the EDL’s overpriced wares.

The EDL's ebay page

The EDL’s ebay page

Since the departure of the EDL’s founding Fuhrer, Stephen Lennon, his “PA” Hel Gower, has continued to bear the brunt of the everlasting hatred of the footsoldiers.

Since last November (after Lennon departed), the EDL has made around £1500 from Ebay sales alone. It’s no wonder some EDL divisions are getting their own shirts done on the quiet.

The address for sales is registered to Essex, but the English [and Jewish] Defence League is registered to two directors- Hel Gower from Dover (Kent), and Gail Speight from Wakefield in West Yorkshire, with six shareholders-all female. Gower holds the largest share.

EDL shareholders

EDL shareholders

I’m not entirely sure how this works, but perhaps the next time the EDL are out and about smashing up property, perhaps the shareholders of the company should be held liable. Afterall, the EDL isn’t a political party or registered as third party with the electoral commission.

EDL's Directors

EDL’s Directors

It’s just a T-shirt supplier to morons.


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