Kevin Layzell: prepared for street protests
Hel Gower runs the English Defence League (EDL) these days. She may as well, as she owns most of it.
Now that the departed founder of the EDL, Stephen Lennon (still using the name Tommy Robinson for cash purposes), has been sent to prison for mortgage fraud, surprise, surprise it seems he was never really that far away all along. Lennon’s been complaining to Gower that the prison he is at is “run by the Muslim community,” and he would like all of his former supporters (or as he lovingly referred to them, “scum”) to break out their crayons and write to their MPs. Oh yes, and could they also send his missus (also using a fake name) some cash too, please.
Never mind the sheer front of the boy, how little does he care for the plight of those former supporters of his currently being rounded up for misbehaving at one of his demonstrations?
Prison woes: Wardens with Islamic Ray Guns?
Gower’s decision to still keep trying to feather the nest of the Lennon family has made her rather unpopular with the remaining rump of the organisation and who should be in there stirring the pot? None other than one of the Dowson family. Alice Dowson, daughter of Belfast based gangster, pimp and fundraiser Jim, can obviously smell blood.
Gower: Dowson Jnr sticks the knife in
Talking of blood, expect more than a little to be spilt as the National Front’s internal woes continue. The southern faction has issued a warning that any monies paid in membership renewals to the northern faction could well end up in the hands of serial lush and Nazi dreg Eddy Morrison.
NF: Southern faction is concerned
Well, I’m delighted to confirm that monies to the northern faction’s legal defence fund do most certainly go into Morrison’s Paypal account, which is, by the way, against Paypal’s rules. So it’s only fair that one assumes Morrison will at some stage sell the NF and its membership details for a magic alcohol bean sometime soon.
NF legal fund: Coming to an off licence near you
The BNP is also having fun with money. They’re hiding it somewhere, but if Mr Griffin does not cough up twenty grand in March, the BNP will be wound up and those members not canny enough to have declared themselves bankrupt could be parting with the family silver.
Add to that the rumour doing the rounds that Griffin’s own bodyguard Martin Reynolds has been sounding out other employees on the European payroll about possibly all filing together for severance when the great junket that was their time in the European Parliament comes to an end. Reynolds has also been sniffing out work in London on the building sites for himself, such is the faith he has in the party leader being re-elected to the European Parliament in May. One word of advice, Martin. When people google “Excalibur”, the employer you put down on your CV, it does still come up with BNP. So do pictures of you in lewd sex acts when potential employers’ also google your name.
Still, Griffin himself has very little time for the likes of Reynolds or Adam Walker anyway. This will explain why Walker is still moaning about not having his petrol money reimbursed by either the party of the local branches for attending party demonstrations. One person close to Griffin (his wife), is believed to have told Adam that sometimes people have to attend demonstrations for the good of the cause and at their own expense. This did not go down to well…
So it isn’t any wonder that the BNP leader is spending so much energy on his “Jolly Boys” , the group of “young folk” who do so much revolutionary work for the party at their own expense. They may be a bit rigid and weird, but once the BNP really hits the gutter in May, these highly trained and dedicated young folk will man the barricades against the Zionist onslaught and the immigrant hordes etc, etc
Kevin Layzell, one of the more rigid/weird young members of the party, has been given the task of addressing this weekend’s London Forum on the very theme of why the BNP now favour sending young boys out dressed like clowns in the name of the party. The London Forum brings together a whole host of far-right clowns. Most of them will be more interested in hearing Richard Barnbrook’s talk about his time as a member of the Greater London Assembly (GLA) on behalf of the BNP. “Dicky’s” time as a GLA member was marred by his incompetence, his only having the one suit, lies about knife crime, his falling down drunk occasionally and eventually, being shafted by the BNP.
And finally, Nick Griffin claims to have been re-writing Pete Seeger’s classic song “Where have all the flowers gone” when he heard of his death.
Should read: #where has all the money gone..#
Only a month now until that very song becomes “Where has all the money gone”.
Roll up, roll up: Let’s see if Dicky can stand up