Fascists on the march today

Matthew Collins - 15 03 14
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Paul Prodromou: Leader of not a lot and some DVDs from Steve Squire

.The combined forces of what’s left of the splinter groups from the EDL will attempt a march in central London today. Although they claim they will be marching from Trafalgar Square, late last night there appeared to be a few changes of mind and it was decided that marchers should instead head straight to Westminster, where it appears they will do what the EDL did last year and just march 80 yards from the pub to Downing Street.

Organising the march is London is Paul Pitt, real name Paul Prodromou, who has taken his tiny grouping the South East Alliance (SEA) as good as into the British National Party (BNP). Who is the most desperate of that couple is anyone’s guess.

The BNP were supposed to be sending some people along to support the march, but some of their Essex “hardmen” have come up with all kinds of inventive ideas to avoid going.

A counter protest against the Fascists is due to take place in Trafalgar Square, which probably has something to so with the far-right’s change of heart

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