Nick Griffin was over in Germany at the weekend dazzling his far-right friends with a speech about the wonders of youth. Griffin was speaking at the “Europa-Kongress” of the NPD-youth-organisation “Junge Nationaldemokraten”.
It was a bizarre, rambling and unpleasant demonstration of how low he has sunk, even by his own low standards. Let nobody doubt any more, that the British National Party (BNP), is still a neo-nazi hate party.
He even raised a titter (in our office) when he spoke of politicians being described as “thieving lying, scum” by the electorate, to which he and his party apparently retort, “we’re different”.
Wherever he goes these days, Griffin is more and more bitter in his speeches as he faces up to the reality of his life out of work come May. As well as attacking UKIP for stealing his handbag, he returned once more to his favourite theme of attacking the English Defence League (EDL), or as he calls it, “A Zionist front.”
Not only do those “Zionists” also control the EDL, according to Griffin they also control the Ukraine. He’s bound to be bitter, he was stopped from going to Crimea.
In a speech heavy on guarded anti-Semitism, Griffin spent a lot of time attacking “those who control the media” a code word for “Zionists”, in itself a code word for Jews.
He mentioned the Frankfurt School as being the same as the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers.
He’s an idiot.
The Frankfurt School was the name given to the development of a new line in Sociology and Social Philosophy.
Speaking of immigrants and being told that immigrants can be wonderful for the country, Griffin raised his voice to argue “no they’re not.
“Many of the Africans who’ve swamped Britain, hundreds of thousands in the last five years, are perfectly good Christians. I don’t care. They have no place in my country, they have no place in our Europe.”
He also attacked Marine Le Pen, leader of the French National Front for being, along with Geert Wilders, “a fake nationalist.”
Being in Germany and surrounded by Nazis, Griffin described the Second World War as the “European Brothers War” and described a secret plan to commit genocide against white people. Only by radicalising people, says Griffin, could he see people joining up with the Nazi right.
Talking up his revolutionary credentials to his audience, Griffin failed to mention his own party is shrinking, mainly to the “enemy, UKIP”, those who do not apparently know there is a Zionist conspiracy, and mainly due to he and his remaining few members, banging on about Jews and trying to empty the bank accounts of their own members.
Griffin then called for an economic downturn, which he feels would be good for Nazis, but then bizarrely complained about demonstrations, like the one in the Ukraine, where he apparently saw “Africans with bones through their noses [and] spears.”
Poor Nick, life on the dole will be hard for him.
HOPE not hate exposes the individuals behind the disturbances and their links to far-right organisations and longstanding anti-migrant campaigns. The week of 29 July to…