HOPE not hate launched its latest publication yesterday, “Signs of Hate 2” an update on a publication first launched in 2003 to give statutory agencies a guide to working with hate offenders, but also on how to identify and understand hate language and hate crime.
Launched with the London Probation Service and with input from speakers from a number of community groups and agencies from across Britain and Europe, the conference focused not just on the extreme far-right but also on Islamist extremism, social media and issues relative to the plight of Roma people in Europe.
Among the speakers was Dr Bernard Rourke, from Budapest, who gave a depressing insight into the plight of Roma people while the University of Amsterdam also gave a good insight into tracking and monitoring online hatred.
Hanif Qadir from the Active Change Foundation spoke of the work being done to turn young Muslims away from the hatred of hate preachers distorting religion and ideology.
The London Probation Service gave two presentations, one focused on how offenders are monitored and mentored and one on how restorative justice can work to make offenders see how victims suffer from hate crime.