Battle of the boneheads’ almost over

Matthew Collins - 18 04 14
Kev Bryan: No amount of alcohol will mend this failed Fuhrer's heart

Kev Bryan: No amount of alcohol will mend this failed Fuhrer’s heart

The long, protracted and boring internal battle for control of the National Front appears to be drawing to a close.

The larger faction, based predominately in the north of the country around Kevin Bryan and Eddy Morrison, appear to have failed to convince the Electoral Commission that they are the true inheritors of the name synonymous with racist violence and stupidity.

The tiny faction in London based around Ian Edward are still refusing to give up the name and remain in control of the party website and signatory needed to stand in elections.

No amount of email hacking and burglary can change their minds, either. Monies paid into the bank account of Eddy Morrison for a legal challenge on behalf of the northern faction are probably now spent in his usual fashion.

Further bad news for both factions however comes in the guise of the God bothering Britain First. Word is they are about to apply to march to the Cenotaph in place of the NF on Remembrance Sunday if the NF cannot come to an agreement as to which bunch of idiots actually run the party.

Morrison: Will see the legal fund is well spent

Morrison: Will see the legal fund is well spent


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