People with long memories may recall Jack Buckby. For those who do not, here is a brief recap; Jack is really posh. More posh than either you or I.
He left the Nazi British National Party (BNP) last year because they were not very posh, either. In fact, they were so not posh, Jack thought they were Communists. They last person to say such a thing was Norman Tebbit. He is also very posh.
Everywhere Jack went he told people he was posh. He made it clear that he is not from some red-bricked terrace house and neither had he ever got his hands dirty-except for one awful moment when some strawberries he was eating had not been washed properly.
Jack believed in “culture” and not just from some old yoghurt pot, either.
Jack studied at Liverpool University, where unlike him, not everyone is posh. He grew a beard while he was there and claimed that “Communists” (the red sort, not the BNP type) were trying to murder him/shave his beard. They probably were not any sort of Communist either. Like his favourite wine, they were probably going to be flown over from South America because they were some kind of jungle dwelling revolutionaries who did not smell very nice.
Unsurprisingly, Jack was never assassinated by Communists/Maoist rebels/The Salvation Army and this was, apparently, good news for the white race and British culture in general. Yes, Jack’s survival was a real “one in the eye” for Uncle Joe. Jack is much posher than Uncle Joe ever was, too.
Jack left the BNP and was “headhunted” by everybody’s favourite tippler, Paul Weston. Paul is also posh. Between the two of them they admired the wonderful anti-Communist propaganda of the new Bacardi commercials and planned to build a political party that was British, cultured and posh. They called it “Liberty” without a hint of irony, but perhaps, a hint of something handcrafted, opulent, exclusive, overpriced and robust.
At this year’s European elections, the two chaps will be standing in the South East region. It is after all, the poshest part of the country. Their plan, if elected, is to get England out of the European Union and to move it somewhere nicer. Surrey, perhaps, where there are less foreigners. Jack’s even allowed the wind to take his beard from him in case he looks like some god awful grave digger, Highlander or Islamist. It is serious stuff.
But wait. There is a fly in the ointment. A Johnny foreigner is standing with them. I kid ye not. And not any kind of Johnny Foreigner. This one is a woman and she is from Italy. Before you can throw accusations of bunga-bunga at the party, Enza Ferreri, the woman in question, has a name not too dissimilar to that of a flash sports car that rich people drive and she also has a degree in philosophy from an Italian University.
Like Jack and Paul, it appears she is also very posh. She claims she used to write for the Italian magazine L’Espresso which is probably some kind of industry magazine for coffee lovers.
The three of them want to rid Britain of Europe and people who do not use the correct spoon for eating soup and poor people/Commmunist sympathisers (same thing, probably). And also, Muslims. Obviously.
Jack has not changed his ways since he was a bearded buffoon in the BNP. Earlier this month he repeated his disdain for working people, in particular those who live on council estates.
They’re posh, not very nice and completely irrelevant.