Who’d be Paul Golding? His old mates in the British National Party (BNP) seem to be hell bent on doing whatever they can to help muddy his name. This is some thanks for him bailing out on his kamikaze attempt on unseating Nick Griffin.
The infamous “knickers on the head” picture finally surfaced of Paul paying respect to British war dead in the same week that he upset the family of Lee Rigby by forgetting to alter the name he was meant to be standing in the North West under.
Last night a series of discussions surfaced by disaffected former Golding ‘friends’ about how Britain First activists divide up the cash they have collected, presumably from pretending they are collecting for Help For Heroes.
The BNP has trouble of their own, anyway. People simply do not care what they think or do, no matter how hard they try. Yesterday they were bragging they had “the most watched party election broadcast in British history”. It’s probably the same thing OJ Simpson said about his car chase.
The lack of interest in the BNP’s fortunes will mean Nick Griffin and co will have to find another stunt to get into the news. I know I always mention it, but, let’s hope he doesn’t get excited over a curry again..
What they did not want, which happened last night, was someone to hack one of their Twitter accounts and broadcast to their 7000 followers some rather unsavoury things. Still, the BNP do say that they say what you’re thinking at home.
To keep themselves firmly inthe minds of the British public that they are backwards, stupid and moronic the BNP will be having a protest against a Mosque planning application that does not actually exist.
I don’t mention UKIP much, but one has to be amazed by the palaver yesterday when we published a list of all their and other far-right candidates. It seems some were unaware that this information was readily available! Wait until they discover their names and addresses are actually published online by the local councils and the names and addresses of their nominators too. Maybe this is so Bulgarians know where not to move when they arrive in the country looking for work.
They (UKIP) seem to be under the impression that there is a massive smear campaign against them. Perhaps they should also be told that it is not a smear when you did actually say the things you are quoted as saying. Bless them, they really are quite amateur at times.