Is the BNP an acid party?

Matthew Collins - 05 05 14
John Philips: Wants acid thrown in kids faces

John Philips: Wants acid thrown in kids faces

We’ve always known the BNP is a nasty party. Vulgar, racist and stupid are just some of the things that spring to mind.

And dangerous. One of their candidates has even suggested throwing acid in the face of women previously.

The throwing of acid has raised its ugly head again in the guise of John Philips, one of the regular morons on BNP/NF and South East Alliance activities.

Philips is a member of Dagenham BNP and hangs around London with anyone as racist and stupid as him. Yesterday he took exception to the ditribution of HOPE not hate newspapers in Havering. The people distributing the newspapers were a mixutre of men and women of different ages and of course, young people who want to live in a society where people like Philips are stuck with the rest of the dinosaurs-in a museum somewhere.

Philips was hoping that someone threw acid at them. What a sad little man. Still, what do you expect of the BNP?

Philips: Sick and stupid

Philips: Sick and stupid


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