BNP Worcester City Council candidate pleads guilty to assault

Matthew Collins - 22 05 14

A candidate for the British National Party in today’s elections has appeared in court this week for assault, it has emerged.

Your Worcester News can reveal how Ashley Bradley, who is trying to get elected to Worcester CityCouncil, pleaded guilty to assault by beating on Tuesday following an incident outside McDonald’s at The Cross.

The 42-year-old’s appearance before magistrates will be another embarrassment to the far-right party, which is standing a record eight candidates in Worcester today.

Mr Bradley, of Chedworth Drive, got into an incident with a man outside McDonald’s back on Friday, November 22 last year.

The victim told police he got punched in the back of the head during the altercation, leading to charges being pressed.

Read the full story at The Ludlow Advertiser


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