Political Scrapbook get it right
Last night, as it became clear that Britain First had beaten the British National Party in Scotland, a rather unpleasant (if accurate) posting went up on Britain First’s Facebook site describing Nick Griffin as a pig and a Nazi.
The author of the post is believed to be Jim Dowson, Griffin’s former best friend. It was removed rather quickly, as BF had lost to the BNP in Wales, but not before BNP activists had texted threats to Britain First members.
There were threats and counter threats for a good few hours. A nervous Griffin conceded defeat before he even arrived at the count. Ever the idiot, he even called his last known ally in the party, Clive Jefferson, a “crip” in reference to him using a walking stick. It was of course, just more of that non-PC humour that Griffin loves so much. That it has been widely broadcast today will not help much.
Before the week is out, I predict open warfare.