Nick Griffin Steps Down As BNP Chairman

Matthew Collins - 21 07 14

Breaking news: The British National Party has announced that Nick Griffin has stepped down as party chairman and has handed the position to disgraced teacher and deputy chairman Adam Walker.

Announced on the BNP website earlier today, Griffin will now take up the new role as President of the far right party. What isn’t clear at the moment is if Griffin will still hold the reins of power or if he has truly handed over the party to Walker.

With the party on the brink of self destruction, the futures of a number of BNP officials such as Clive Jefferson, Simon Darby, Patrick Harrington and Griffin’s daughter Jennifer Matthys also appear to be in some doubt.

Our sources tell us that the BNP will stage manage the handover to Adam Walker, complete with an accompanying video, so expect lots of fake smiles and handshakes.

This is not thought to be a split within the ranks of the BNP and is thought to be a face saving exercise for Nick Griffin. No consultation has taken place with the BNP membership.

Hope not hate was the first organisation to report on the movements behind the scenes in the leadership of the BNP over the past few months. You can read more here and here.


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