Kevin Layzell: “Captain Stand-off”
The Daily Mirror has made a correction today to an article it did back in January concerning the now leader of the British National Party (BNP), Adam Walker.
In January the paper reported that the decision to ban Walker for life from the classroom had been upheld at an appeal. The surperbrains at the BNP then demanded the newspaper clarify the story. So this morning, the paper has clarified in writing that… Walker has been banned from the classroom for life.
The BNP media team had wanted the Mirror to make clear that Walker had already given up teaching at the time he chased after some young boys on bikes and slashed their tyres.
How bizarre. If Walker had given up teaching, why was he running an appeal within the BNP last July for funds to fight the decision as he claimed he was now as good as out of his chosen career? He even went on to BNPTV to appeal for cash as he apparently wanted to get back working with children. Anyway, here’s the Mirror’s clarification that Walker is banned from teaching, for life, for driving like an idiot and slashing the tyres of three young boys with a knife.
Still on Adam and his new role as leader of the BNP, he was up in Cumbria earlier this week meeting the BNP’s office staff. All that is, except, former leader Nick Griffin’s daughter Jennifer and her rather challenged husband Angus. It appears that neither of them bothered to turn up for work that day. Jennifer is currently in charge of running the BNP website. That’s because she is part of the little gang that owns it. Old Nick really did look after his own.
Griffin: Looking for Drachma?
Whilst Adam is figuring a way to get rid of Jenny and her husband and still keep a website for the party, Nick Griffin has been over in Greece with the gangsters and terrorists of Golden Dawn, acting like he is some kind of European Statesman. While Griffin was boozing and acting like the idiot he is among his friends, one of them apparently asked Griffin about his role as “President” of the party he once led. Well, how about this; Griffin apparently told them that he is like a “Director of football” at a football club! This, I guess, explains the ridiculous football analogies that Adam Walker was using last week to describe his own role. As is often the case, this will no doubt end in tears. Apparently Griffin is already none too pleased with Walker’s rumoured attempts to re-sign Chris Beverley from the English Democrats…
Elsewhere in the BNP, there are plenty of schisms to keep them all occupied for the foreseeable future. It now appears that Kevin Layzell has changed his mind about Adam Walker being a good leader for the party and is now ringing everybody up telling them to get out on the streets for a “confrontation with the reds” instead of playing at politics. Kevin was in London recently with the shrinking South East Alliance when they were chased out of Cricklewood by local people. Having at first bragged that now he had contact lenses he was going to “do some reds” it appears he had a change of mind and in the photograph I have been given it is quite clear that Kevin was more interested in practising duck and cover/sprinting more than any combat he had been pushing others to engage in. From now on, Kevin’s colleagues will know him as “Captain Stand-off”.
Layzell: Neither glasses nor bottle it seems
Britain First, the abandoned brainchild of Jim Dowson has almost completed an entire week without their dearly departed cash-cow. Paul Golding was apparently very unhappy with his remaining gang of racist thugs being described by Dowson to the Daily Mirror as a gang of racist thugs and promptly wrote a rebuttal-not of Dowson, but of the newspaper. Describing the Mirror as “Britain’s largest Communist newspaper” who had, he thinks, misquoted Dowson or indeed made the whole thing up! Golding then put the name of Andy McBride, the group’s deputy leader to the statement. Perhaps he could oblige us by getting McBride to do a video..