How is it best to sum up the current state of the far-right in Britain? Absent? Here’s a list of things that have gone missing of late that makes one wonder if they have gone off to some kind of Aryan hibernation scheme.
Bob Taylor’s brains:We’re not entirely convinced that the BNP organiser for Barking had any in the first place. After getting out of his dirty bed just in time for Jeremy Kyle, Taylor spends most of his day doing nothing-certainly not any BNP activity that’s for sure. Taylor was “at it” last night however, claiming that his hero Anders Breivik did not murder anyone below 14 years of age because, being the benevolent type, Breivik made some kind of decision to leave them alone. Yes, that’s what Bob thinks; That Nazi mad man Breivik ran some kind of passport check before murdering lots of young people in Norway. Good for you, Bob…
Adam Hodgen’s military record: Britain First’s new “Armed forces officer” was appointed last night, but it seems some have decided to query if he is entirely honest about his military record. It’s not for us to comment that Britain First already have form for ripping off the military, but they sure did delete a lot of tricky questions from people last night when they announced on Facebook that Hodgen had been given a green binbag with epaulettes. I expect Hodgen will be showing them footage he took on his mobile phone of his supreme bravery at El Alamein any day now…
Kevin Layzell’s contact lenses: Maybe his mum reads our blog, but no sooner had Kevin turned into some kind of Nazi Clark Kent and ditched his glasses and soiled himself in a street fight, he was back and bespectacled a week later for the BNP’s shuffle through Basildon. Still, at least Bob Taylor got out of his pit to help carry a banner. Expect a claim for a bad back any day soon…
Paul Golding’s apology to the Daily Mirror:They probably won’t be holding their breath, but Golding quickly removed his attack on the Mirror from the Britain First website when it became clear that Dowson does think Golding and co are a bunch of Godless thugs. Also gone is Golding’s loving eulogy to the political life of Dowson. In return, Golding has also lost his office as Dowson has booted Britain First completely out of his Belfast bunker and onto the kerb. The new Britain First office won’t be half as grand…
Stephen Lennon aka Tommy Robinson: No sooner does the EDL founder get out of prison then war breaks out in the Middle East, such is his power. I doubt we’ll see him accompanying Tony Blair on a peace mission, but apparently “Tommy” does have healing hands..
Jennifer Matthys:The beloved daughter of former BNP leader Nick Griffin has not taken his demotion too well. For Jenny, there’s been no lunching with Carrie Bradshaw, Samantha Jones, Charlotte York etc, etc. Instead she’s hiding in her luxury holiday bungalow and making a pig’s ear of the BNP website. Her “Mr Big”, the challenged spouse she chose called Angus, is still wearing his marigolds to do the Griffin Klan’s dirty work, however.
Patrick Harrington:Pat is not the best loved of Nutzis and now his dear friend Nick Griffin has been shoved from his perch as pay-monkey for Pat, he has gone strangely quiet. This is a shame really, as Pat deserves a lot of the credit for the demise of the British National Party. He and his lovely wife “Mish Bondage” are now both out of work as Pat’s research job with Griffin the MEP has now ended. I don’t expect it’s the last we’ll see of Pat and Mish however, it was her that did most of Adam Walker’s European research for former MEP Andrew Brons anyway. What with Walker being a moron, etc, etc. Maybe Pat’s just been tied up of late..