There’s a surprise! Adam Walker and Clive Jefferson arrived in Bolton tonight as part of their plan to reinvigorate activism in the party, but our person in the meeting tells us that by the time they arrived at Dirty Girty’s, the majority of the thirty people inside were so drunk that not a lot could really happen.
Jefferson left the meeting about ten minutes after he arrived to run around the corner to make a phone call. Inside the meeting were some thirty people drawn from the BNP, NF, EDL and North West Infidels (NWI). The mood inside is described as “tetchy”.
The BNP now appears to be really at war with themselves. This is exactly as Nick Griffin has wanted. The revelations about Jefferson in particular have stoked fury, possibly enough to make people forget Griffin’s own alleged sticky fingers.
The split in the party is no better exemplified than in the youth wing. A website set up to run a smear campaign against Walker has been traced back to prominent YBNP member Mark James (below) who is close to Griffin. James has now been joined by Kevin Layzell, who has changed his politics and opinions on the BNP leadership more times than he has changed his Spiderman underwear. The other lead member of the YBNP has fallen straight under Walker’s wing. The “adorable” Jack Renshaw is not a popular boy as a result.
James: Running Griffin’s blog
Also backing Griffin is the Nazi drug gang North West Infidels and the tiny group National Action which Griffin had previously planted a number of his youth activists in. In Essex they are backing Griffin, but in London they are backing Walker.
News out of the capital today is that Walker is working with a number of people there to produce a rather nasty document on Griffin. Griffin is already aware of this, having been tipped off by Patrick Harrington, who although working for Adam Walker just could not help himself and tell his old mate.
Both sides are resisting the calling of an Emergency General Meeting. If they do hold one, may we suggest they hire a venue with a boxing ring?
Walker and Jefferson arrive tonight