A worm has turned

Matthew Collins - 11 09 14
Adams: In front of Walker, not behind

Adams: In front of Walker, not behind

Last month I wrote (twice) about the re-emergence in the British National Party (BNP) of Derek Adams under the leadership of Adam Walker.

Adams was positively filling the empty space on the party website, lauding Walker as the new Messiah. Adams waxed lyrical about Walker making the sun shine on Salford and the astonishing fact that he had made a trip to Scotland. “This party really does need some sort of order and Adam is just the man to provide the way forward” he wrote.

So good and so racist was the praise he was heaping on Walker, they even allowed him to pen an article on knife crime (something Walker knows very well about) a day later.

Adams: A troublesome change of heart

Adams: A troublesome change of heart

It was all very high praise indeed. Adams had been a loyal and fierce friend of the deposed Nick Griffin. He’d even been a spoiler candidate back in 2010 when Eddy Butler tried to oust Griffin in a leadership election.

But now the worm has turned. Adam Walker is no longer the Messiah and Adams is calling for an Emergency General Meeting to discuss the “crisis” in the party. Across the country people are horrified by Nick Griffin’s attack on Walker and Clive Jefferson, and the allegations made against them. Jefferson is apparently hopping mad at Griffin for also detailing his personal problems. It could have been worse for Jefferson, Griffin could have revealed why Jefferson changed his name from Aitken..

These are now very interesting times. The party’s paid staff are split down the middle. Chris Barnett who overseas the BNP’s “IT” department and is one of those most harshly dealt with in Griffin’s document, has been ringing around a number of members to try and rubbish Griffin and his allegations. He’s even volunteered to run the counter-smear campaign against Griffin and spent hours on the phone last night detailing to people a series of nasty tales about Nick Griffin that he says will be released soon.

Adams: When it was ours...

Adams: When it was ours…

For legal reasons we cannot repeat the allegations here, but they stretch from Newcastle to Bristol. In response, Griffin is likely to tell a host of people where Barnett lives, least of all so that the student loan people can finally ask him about his income and when he will start paying back what he owes them.

Derek Adams has set the ball rolling. Walker’s “breath of fresh air” leadership is already on the ropes.

Filthy Lucre: The con continues

Filthy Lucre: The con continues

To save himself, Walker may now have to move against Jefferson. Previously Walker has had no issue with thumping Jefferson as the two really are not great pals. But Jefferson has the cash Walker needs to keep the party and himself afloat. He’d better be quick.

Chris Barnett: Hopes Griffin won't sue

Chris Barnett: Hopes Griffin won’t sue


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