Weird and Dangerous in Rotherham today
I almost had to do a double take, but yes, the World Church Of The Creator were in Rotherham today.
This group, formed in the United States by a paedophile named Ben Klassen, was formed in 1973 with Adolf Hitler as their God!
The group preach “Creativity” which is not to be confused with the [obscure] Christian belief Creationism. it is not a Christian group, though they do appoint people they call pastors and ministers. For years they tried to get tax breaks in the United States by posing as a legitimate religion.
The group has been behind a number of hate crimes in the United States and they have their own bible, obviously, called “The White Man’s Bible.”
During the 80’s there was a small number of them attached to the British National Party (BNP) and they (four of them) would spend their time praying to Adolf Hitler and trying to persuade young skinheads to pose for them with their shirts off. Eventually they were ran out of London by the Nazi gang C18.
The group openly preach race war, and they use the phrase RaHoWa which is code for “Racial and Holy War.”
That a group with this reputation is now active in the far-right campaign is worrying, particularly for those with genuine concerns for the welfare of young people. There is a brief description of the group in HNH’s recent publication about the far-right.