McMahon: Laying down the law
In last week’s far-right round up I made passing reference to an argument in the National Front (NF) as to whether they should have a section for female members. One woman in particular felt this would lead to all kinds of trouble; the wearing of trousers, forgetting they lived in Stepford, forgetting their place etc, etc.
Well, it’s all coming out in the wash now. It seems the good (I use that term loosely) women of the National Front have been up to no good. Some of them have been trying to steal others Aryan males, and their leader Debbie McMahon is not happy about it.
Naughty. But not nice
Some women have been flirting on Facebook with Aryan males who already have a partner. What this flirting consists of, I do not know. Maybe it is posting pictures of roast pork or a burning cross. Or perhaps roast pork with a burning cross, but it has to stop!
A lady’s away day?
Of course, this sort of activity is nothing new to the NF. When they had an office in Pawsons Road, Croydon, there was even a room upstairs with a mattress on the floor so that tired/stoned/amorous young revolutionaries could “relax” after a busy day writing drunken letters to local newspapers praising Colonel Gaddafi. It was actually a full time job for one member whose wife left him for the guy who sat next to him licking the envelopes.
Back in those days (the early to mid 1980’s) there was a shortage of women in the party but certainly no shortage of VD. Bizarrely, because they had all converted to some kind of obscure Catholic cult, they all refused to use protection.
The story only came out when the jealous caretaker, a staunch a saddened local member named Adrian, stumbled across one party in the upstairs room. He later told a meeting during the split which followed, that “there were bibles, knickers and copies of [Gaddafi’s] Green Book strewn all over the floor.”
The NF has form, ladies. And not just for violence. Nick Griffin wrote about it quite extensively when he too quit the NF.
The NF’s Carrie Bradshaw and co?