There was a number of articles during the last week or so about the growth of the far-right on the back of the Rotherham scandal and the Isis. I read them all-one of the things I am paid to do-no matter how painful.
My colleague Duncan Cahill took on some of the myths now being created earlier in the week here. One article described an “invasion” of the internet by the far-right who have by all accounts, been using Rotherham and Isis as “powerful recruitment tools.”
I agree with Duncan. The internet has lots of racists, as does this country, but the far-right is actually in decline. It is perhaps helpful, perhaps, that the far-right have pages and pages on the internet where people can all sound off, but they are still in decline. Beheading videos etc may well excite the likes of Paul Golding and Britain First- as told in an interview in the latest edition of HOPE not hate magazine, but let’s not lose focus that they are actually used as recruitment tools for people who want to join Isis and their ilk-they are not for beer swilling and flaccid morons like Paul Golding.
Racism and Islamophobia and fascism in this country are not the product of Isis, Rotherham, Michael Adebolajo etc. There isn’t even a particular “rise” of the far-right on the internet. That happened sometime in 2010 Nor are the far-right the sole racists and Islamophobes in this country. For those who do not recall or do not know, the far-right has been nasty and violent for ever. And it has been bigger, even before it invaded France and Poland and years later “invaded” the internet too.
Let’s call it ‘political pishing’ (and I’ll find a way of copyrighting that after lunch.) The use of the internet and the abuse of it, is discussed in a publication we bought out earlier this year in conjunction with the London Probation Service.
Wait until people discover how pornography has “invaded” the internet..
The far-right is actually at war with itself. Britain First has lost its offices, its telephones, its computers and large amounts of unsold stock during a raid earlier this week. For Britain First, it looks like they are going to end up as some kind of test-case for tax evasion. In the latest edition of HOPE not hate, we even tracked down their founder for a quite illuminating interview, too.
The British National Party (BNP) continue to tear themselves to bits. An email they sent out last week read that had “listened” to the members. Most of whom appear to have been suspended or expelled after they had spoken.
The Griffin faction is now organising another demonstration for Charlene Downes. I will ask again, once more, when will her mother Karen cooperate with the police on this matter? It must surely now be a matter of urgency.
Griffin’s supporters are also trying to arrange a skype conference, though one of them will have to be despatched to show the Fuhrer-in-exile how to use Skype. More than 300 people have now joined a pro-Griffin page on Facebook-which represents about a quarter of the party’s membership. Interestingly, at the St Helens BNP meeting last week, hardly any of those present were aware that the party had descended into war. BNP activists from Salford began filling them in on the latest goings on and the room just emptied in dismay as they spoke.
In the National Front, not only has Richard Edmonds apparently quit the northern faction, Eddie Stampton has now quit the southern faction. People in the northern faction do not seem too bothered by Stampton’s decision as they appear to want to attack him either way. Who knows if this will all come out in the wash, but both factions are currently planning to confront each other at the Cenotaph this November when they both unite in soiling the memory of Britain’s war dead.
Prime target for the northern faction (other than Stampton) is Mick Griffin, the NF leader from Tilbury in Essex. Apparently two attempts have been made by the northern faction to attack Griffin and Blood and Honour/ISD gigs in the last month. What Liam Pinkham’s probation officer will make of his threats to Griffin is anyone’s business…
No far-right party has been even able to stand a candidate for next month’s Heywood and Middleton by-election.