The British National Party (BNP) held two meetings in the North West last night. The first meeting was in Blackpool, at the Tangerine Club. For legal reasons, we cannot tell you what was top of the agenda.
On this rare occasion, I shall actually address very briefly the people who went to the meeting, in particular those who huddled in the bar whispering before and after the meeting: Deleting entries on the membership list does not make people/persons any less a member. There are more copies of the BNP membership list floating around than there are remaining members. The other thing is, it really is time that Karen Downes cooperated with the police in Blackpool. And it’s not just me and Jenna who think that, either.
Over in Eccles, forty BNP members who have declared themselves supporters of ousted dictator Nick Griffin, attempted to storm a meeting being addressed by Adam Walker, their new leader.
The ‘Griffinites’ (now calling themselves the “Real BNP”) found themselves confronted by Clive “The Undertaker” Jefferson instead. It appears Jefferson would rather face an angry mob of BNP members than take another punch to the back of the head from Walker.
Armed with a series of further leaked documents that Griffin made available to his supporters earlier that day, Jefferson was given a very rough ride. An emboldened Jack Renshaw (minus his gay dog?) got so lippy to Jefferson that he threatened to break his nose.
Now they are arguing as to who told “the reds” where the meeting was. I’ll own up to this one. It was me!
Griffin tried to email the entire membership during the day, but the silly Billy has still not mastered how do a complete mailing. Griffin is in serious trouble financially-he claims to the tune of some £300,000 as a result of the actions of Walker and Jefferson. He also accuses the pair of getting Patrick Harrington to “pervert” the party constitution. Clever choice of wording, Nick. Alternatively, he could have said that Harrington had “whipped the constitution into shape.”
In another email, to Walker, Griffin even brings up the poor Belfast printer he had sent to prison for daring to demand monies that he was owed were paid back.
Despite continually saying that it was lies that his own actions when Chairman left BNP members open to creditors, it now appears that Griffin is acknowledging as much now he is no longer Chairman.
Griffin was supposed to turn up at last night’s meeting, but it appears with both he and Walker calling on the services of Yorkshire BNP he did not feel he could get the numbers in case things went pear-shaped. There was a small contingent of the outright Nazi North West Infidels there, just in case things did turn fruity.
Griffin is now calling for an open debate with Walker at a party conference. The thinking among some in the party, even Griffin supporters, is that so toxic are Walker and Griffin, that they should both step aside and allow Mike Whitby of pigeon shack fame, take over as leader.
Walker did address a meeting-about seven people were allowed in to see him speak at a standby venue, with Jefferson sitting at the front.