The dog still has a racist bark

Matthew Collins - 04 10 14

When Stephen Lennon, the criminal thug who launched and leeched from the English Defence League (EFL), quit the organisation last October, liberals the world over were beside themselves with joy. They were under the impression that he had given up a life of hate. I could not see where they were getting this from.

I found myself on a radio show questioning his sudden conversion whilst Lennon was on the phone shouting down the line about women in Burka’s etc, etc, etc.. His sponsors, the Quilliam Foundation, said that he was only echoing a mainstream opinion. Fair enough. Bad me for not being the forgiving sort.

Such joy.

Such joy.

Even when he was promising his hate monger friends in the US that he had not changed I was still very much told that I was wrong to doubt him and his efforts.

Then he went to prison for mortgage fraud and upon his release claimed that the prisons were run by Muslims, not the prison service. Bad me. I was unaware of this.

For the last couple of weeks Lennon has been very active on twitter. He seems to be scouring the media for stories about Muslims behaving badly. Bad ones only.

Last night he hit pay dirt. He tweeted the video of the beheading of Salford man Alan Henning within minutes of it being released.

It seems Lennon (called “Tommy Robinson” by the fools who indulge him in his criminal lifestyle,) has never really stopped with his constant fear, loathing and hatred of Muslims.

So, bad me. I am reminded of the other thing I said when asked about his convenient conversion; I never pat a dog that still barks at me. Silly me.


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