Excalibur: Selling junk for Griffin
Life in the British National Party’s (BNP) head office in Wigton, Cumbria must be lively. Between all of the alleged cocaine use and adultery, there must be comical moments when the new leader Adam Walker runs in and shouts “there’s trouble at mill” or perhaps, “wake up Clive, the end is near.”
So close to death is the party that it has actually left itself in a will to Clive. At the close of play on Thursday night there has been 107 resignations from the party and some 22 suspensions and sackings. Not without a sense of humour, someone at the Wigton office got hold of a twitter account on the weekend and tweeted that Nick Griffin had moved to France. That may well be the case, but also claiming that Adam Walker is “in control” of the BNP is an entirely different matter.
Last we heard, Nick Griffin’s delightfully idiotic son in law, (like the rest of the family, previously on the party pay roll) had taken the party’s van away with him and not returned it. Other than using it to squirrel away all of his Father in law’s prized possessions, it’s unlikely that Angus Matthys is using the van for moonlighting in another profession. Not only does he not have the gumption, he is bone idle. When he and Griffin’s daughter were living in Northern Ireland “running” the BNP’s offices there, the two of them spent most of their time in the flat they rented, eating Take Away food and watching television whilst allowing their puppy to soil just about every square inch of carpet they had.
Walker and Jefferson appear now to be trying to completely strangle the BNP to death. I doubt they will be too distraught by the loss of their merchandising wing, Excalibur. We’ve exposed previously the absolute junk and filth it sells. Alwyn Deacon, who “owns” it, has now fallen in completely with Nick Griffin’s side so has launched it as independent of the party.
Jefferson and Walker are also cutting off the few remaining campaigns the party was involved in around the country. The anti-Mosque campaign in Croydon seems to have stalled, while the Bolton anti-Mosque campaign has been gifted to the Griffin faction after local BNP organiser Bryn Morgan was sacked from post over the weekend.
The Griffin side, in response, are faring little better. Griffin is giving a host of mixed messages to his supporters, which range from resigning from the party to carrying on as usual. Jack Renshaw even managed 17 votes in an election last week, even though he is expelled from party.
Insiders tell us that Griffin has decided that the bulk of the wills left to the BNP were in fact left to the party of which he was constitutionally the leader so the £10m everyone is fighting over, should revert to whichever party he leads! Despite having a degree in law from one of the world’s finest universities, it does appear that Griffin takes legal advice from a man that sells him magic beans.
Walker and Jefferson have also decided to humiliate the “popular” former North West regional organiser Mike Whitby. Foolish Whitby it appears, once went cap in hand to Clive Jefferson for a loan. What is it your Mother warns you about borrowing money from sharks? Whitby has now been asked to repay £565 he borrowed from Jefferson/The BNP when he was facing eviction some years previously. Whitby had apparently thought it was a gift-I presume one he did not declare to the social?
Whitby: Mr Pigeon
The Griffin roadshow comes to London later this month. This should be interesting. London BNP is allegedly the source of a number of “revenge porn” pictures and videos apparently being sent out of members of the Griffin faction to their families and workplaces.
Griffin has decided that his new “organisation” will target the Labour party with the infamous paedophile leaflet that Walker and Jefferson have had withdrawn. On the 22nd October he will address his London supporters over a buffet of coleslaw and baked beans! I kid ye not…
All I know is, I will not be visiting one particular coffee shop in Leeds if that is how Lindsey Reynolds cleans the coffee tables.
Griffin to speak in London 22nd October