Tyndall (Left) Comb-overs and Hitler
I don’t know if the sausages were particularly morbid or not, but there was apparently very much a “generous buffet” to be had on the weekend as a host of British nazis met in Preston to remember that they will all die one day. One of them even popped his cloggs before the meeting.
Yes, it was the annual meeting in memory of dead lunatic John Tyndall, the founder of the British National Party (BNP), master of the Aryan comb-over, lover of Jack boots and hater of Jews. They (Jews, apparently) were once described by “JT” (as his friends and admirers liked to call him) as “rotting like maggots on the corpse of the white race.” He was a cheery old git, obviously.
One person even traveled all the way from the United States to hear a gang of people who, in the main, were not even on speaking terms with Tyndall when he popped his jack boots back in 2005 in the middle of a court case where he was up before the beak with none other than Nick Griffin. Tyndall probably felt Griffin would one day try and feed off the corpse of the BNP, too. There was no love lost between those two by the way; Griffin had not long before expelled Tyndall from the very party he had formed in his own image.
Brons: Never liked Tyndall
There was a real smorgasboard of talent in the room even if the buffet was not Kosher. Among the tasty talent on offer was Andrew Brons, who had a brief flirtation with Tyndall during the 1960’s. Brons turned against Tyndall in 1980 and took over the leadership of the National Front (NF) from him in quite acrimonious circumstances. He then later joined the BNP once he was certain that Tyndall was gone (or dead) and has never previously had anything particularly nice to say about Tyndall. But, in death, we are more popular than we are alive, and as Brons’s own political party the British Democratic Party (BDP) is also breathing its final breaths, Brons decided to put in an appearance and quaff galons of ale and red wine whilst he pondered his own mortality.
The list of groups represented at the meeting is an indication that the far-right is not “growing” even if you stumble upon it on the internet and find it repulsive. The NF, Northern Patriotic Front (NPF), British Movement, Blood and Honour, London Forum, National Action, BNP, BDP, New British Union and Church of the Creator were all there and there were only forty odd people in the room. Still, as the host did brag on his website yesterday, “a very enjoyable social was held at another city centre venue, which continued well into the morning. There were a few sore heads at the H&D office the following day!” It’s not really an office, more of a grubby terraced house to be fair.
Never mind the buffet, check out the tats
Richard Edmonds, for years the man Tyndall would not allow to wear trousers to do housework, also spoke. I’m not sure what he said, but after forty-odd years of banging on about Jews, I guess they got a mention. It has certainly been forty odd years for Richard. According to the write up of the event, Edmonds is a Directorate member of the National Front. I guess he lied to the BNP organisers when he spoke at their meeting last month, then.
Benny Bullman:
“Benny” from the nazi rock band “Whitelaw” also spoke at the event. Looking tanned and not very Aryan, Benny does love a good buffet. I once saw him at an NF buffet a few years ago that was later described as being “sumptuos”. So he knows where to go for a sausage roll does Benny, even if he has no sirname to put on the invite. It’s Benny Bullman, by the way…
Serial pest Peter Rushton also got to speak. If missing a comb-over and a buffet isn’t going to make Tyndall roll over in Valhalla, then the thought of Rushton, an employee of the Iranian government that Tyndall absolutely hated turning up to speak at his memorial event, most surely would. I’m not sure what Rushton had to say, but if he wants to keep his job working for the Iranianians it will have been about Jews, and the fact that they fabricated their death in the Holocaust.
Such is the life of a generous nazi buffet
Peter Rushton: Loves Iran, hates Jews